Dental Health banner

Did you know problems in your mouth can affect the rest of your body?

Your mouth is teeming with bacteria. Without regular brushing, flossing, flouride, and dental check ups- the bacteria can get out of hand and lead to oral infections, like tooth decay and gum disease.

We can help! South Central Public Health District offers flouride varnish and sealant clinics for local children.

Picture of baby

Flouride Varnish Clinics

Fluoride varnish is a topical fluoride used to prevent tooth decay. It's a great way
to help stop, even reverse, early signs of tooth decay. It also doesn't hurt to apply.
The varnish is so safe, quick, and easy, you can use it on babies from the time they
get their first tooth.

How does Fluoride Varnish Work?

For 24 hours fluoride varnish remains on the teeth releasing fluoride into smooth surface areas of the teeth. The flouride in the varnish helps harden the tooth to prevent new cavaties and slow down any decay. After 24 hours you can brush and flossed it off.

Click here to see our clinic dates.

Medicaid and insurance will be billed. If you have dental coverage, please make sure you complete that section on the permission form. Even if you don't have dental coverage, your child may still participate in this program.

To schedule an appointment call: 208-737-5970

Sealant Clinics

Fluoride in toothpaste and in drinking water protects the smooth surfaces of teeth, but back teeth need extra protection. Sealants cover the chewing surfaces of the back teeth and keep out germs and food. Having sealants put on teeth before they decay can save you money fillings, crowns, or caps used to fix decayed teeth.

Picture of the sealant process

Who Should Get Sealants?

Children should get sealants on their permanent molars as soon as the teeth come in  before decay attacks the teeth. Other teeth with pits and grooves also might need to be sealed. Teenagers and young adults who are prone to decay may also need sealants.

SCPHD offers free dental sealants at school-based clinics!

Registered dental hygienists will be paint the sealant onto the chewing surfaces of a child's back teeth. This coating helps protect teeth from cavities by keeping germs and food out of the deep grooves in the surface of the teeth. Fluoride varnish will also be provided to all children receiving sealants.

Click here to see our clinic dates.

Medicaid and insurance will be billed. If you have dental coverage, please make sure you complete that section on the permission form. Even if you don't have dental coverage, your child may still participate in this program.

To schedule an appointment call: 208-737-5970

Pregnancy and dental care

Dental care plays a bigger role in pregnancy care than you might realize. Gum disease can cause your baby to be born too early, and under weight. Babies born too early are more likely to die in their first year of life, or have lifelong health problems. This is why we urge pregnant women, and women planning to get pregnant, to take care of their teeth and gums.

Gingivitis is the most common kind of gum disease. It can cause your gums to swell and bleed. It can also lead to a serious infection of the gums and bone and, in pregnant women, lead to early labor.