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School Nurse Corner Banner

Public health nurses are on the frontline of your student’s health.

Public health nurses educate students and staff, offer health screenings, and give technical advice to school districts throughout the eight-county area of southern Idaho.

Health District 5's School Nurse is Tamara Strong, reachable at:

Disease Prevention

School nurses are available to schools to answer questions about disease: how is it spread, symptoms of specific diseases, risks of specific disease, and how to prevent them. On-site physical assessments are also provided to school children in specific cases. If dealing with an outbreak, South Central Public Health District may send an epidemiology team to assist the nurse and investigate the disease.
The best way to prevent disease is to make sure your child is fully immunized and get the whole family to wash their hands well every time they may have come into contact with disease carrying germs.

Learn more about immunizations here. Learn more about effective hand washing here.

Vaccine Clinics

South Central Public Health District holds regular vaccine clinics in the spring and again in August to make it easier for families to keep their children's records up to date. Idaho schools require specific immunizations before kindergarten and seventh grade registration. Learn more here.



Vision Screening:

To learn more about the signs of possible vision problems in children, please check out:

Signs of Possible Vision Problems in Children
Signos de problemas de visión posibles en niños

Dental Clinics:

To learn more about SCPHD Dental Clinics: Click Here

Always Changing and Growing Classes

Puberty Education for 5th Grade Students

SCPHD provides puberty education for all 5th grade students in the classroom upon request. Our health educators will use lessons plans, open discussions and videos to teach students on what and why things are happening during puberty. Students will learn about these topics and more:

Continue the conversation at home with help from Always Changing & Growing Up - Parent Guide.

For more information on puberty education OR to download the boys & girls puberty booklets: Click Here

More Puberty Class Materials and Resources

Boys SCPHD Puberty Presentation (PowerPoint Version)

Boys SCPHD Puberty Presentation (PDF Version)

Girls SCPHD Puberty Presentation (PowerPoint Version)

Girls SCPHD Puberty Presentation (PDF Version)

Classroom illnesses:


Bed Bugs

Chicken Pox

Whooping Cough


Diarrhea (Shigella)

Diarrhea (Norovirus)

Pink eye

Hand, foot, and mouth disease



Head Lice

Head Lice are also called pediculosis, body lice, pubic lice, cooties, or crabs.
Lice typically infest the hair folicules on the head and neck. They can spread quickly through person-to-person contact, especially if people are sharing hats, scarves, and other head gear. Public health serves as a consultant to school personnel on the identification and treatment of head lice in the classroom.

Learn more about head lice here.


SCPHD provides information about administering prescription and over-the-counter medications in the school setting. Public health is available to school personnel for medication consultation, assuring proper storage of medications, and reviewing medication policies.

More Medication-Related Resources

Six Rights of Medication Administration

Physician's Order for Prescription and Non-Prescription Medications Given in School